When did you realize you needed support?
“I run a small independent law firm, so answering the phone during the day is always a struggle. I’m often in court for long periods of time and can be faced with up to 20 voicemails when I get out. I started researching virtual phone assistants online, and after reading several positive reviews, I decided to trial Moneypenny.”
What does good customer service look like?
“For our firm, good customer service means being there for our clients whenever they need us. Clients expect someone professional and friendly to answer the phone and this is something we always strive for.”
How has Moneypenny changed your business?
“I thought trusting another company to answer my phone calls would be hard, but from the beginning Moneypenny made me feel confident I’d made the right decision. Now Debbie, my Moneypenny Receptionist, answers any calls I can’t get to. She has a good understanding of the legal industry which is clearly reflected in the quality of the messages I receive.”
What are the key benefits?
“My clients are happier as they no longer speak with my answering machine. Moneypenny’s tech is great too. With their app, I can view my messages instantly and update Debbie on my availability throughout the day. I also use the portal daily to check my call stats and triage messages – I’ve even bookmarked it in my browser so I can get to it whenever I need to!”
Any advice for other businesses?
“Moneypenny is perfect for small law firms with small budgets. I'd definitely recommend them to other businesses.”

Brad Nicodemus

Gone are the days of relying on voicemail