In a nutshell, proactive chats are an awesome tool and will add value to your website.
They’re there to make your website work as hard as it possible can. Having support available for your customers, whenever they need it, goes a long way and proactive chats do just that. Sound good? Watch this short film and discover how you can use proactive chats to your advantage.
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Hi, I'm Jamie. So you're using live chat from Moneypenny, brilliant! Now let's talk about proactive invitations.
How best to describe this? Well, picture yourself out shoe shopping; you wander into a shop, browse at a few pairs, wander around the store, then off to the next shop. You're browsing; don't worry, we all do it. The next shop, you walk in - half way down the aisle a happy, smiley shop assistant gently asks you your size; returning with the nice, brown, suede pair of shoes you were admiring - good choice! Before you know it, you're trying them on... You've unknowingly moved from being a simple browser to being a likely purchaser and that same assistant is still around; they wouldn't leave you with the shoes in the middle of the store, they chat, they smile, they befriend you, they walk you over to the till... You know the rest; yep, you've found yourself with a brand new pair of shoes.
That scenario; it's worked in the retail world forever and it's just as powerful online, regardless of whether you're offering technical support, selling products or services or whatever.
Proactive chats allow you to offer proactive customer service; it means you sell more and your site works harder. So on pages where you're feeling a visitor is most likely to require assistance, or pages where the highest gain for you is likely to be made, you can change how that little chat box works. You can fiddle with these settings to your heart's content; you'll find what works best for you. Again, put yourself back in the shoe shop; if the assistant had collared you before you got to the first aisle, or as you were about to leave, you'd cut and run. You build a profile of what a serious buyer looks and acts like. Our software gives you all the tools to make sure you really do turn as many of them as possible into customers and, if you'd like even so much it's a tiniest bit of guidance, don't hesitate to chat to one of our live chat gurus; they're all very switched on and have learned so much from all sorts of businesses and the only reason they're here is to make sure you maximize your return so put them to good use.

Moneypenny is the #1 outsourced provider of brilliant customer conversations to over 21,000 businesses of all sizes and, we get it. Letting us represent your brand is hard. That's why we put trust at the heart of everything we do.